Tuesday, 2 October 2007



Jane is prepared for the wedding. She has strange dreams about children and disaster. Then a woman, described full of darkness, tears up her wedding dress, after coming into her bedroom. Rochester tells her to sleep in Adele and Sophie’s room so that she is not attacked again, he dismisses the woman as Grace Poole disguised by Jane’s imagination.


Dreams focused on children- mentioned in an afore chapter, when after such a dream Bessie lost her sister, could this be an omen for future events?


Mr R- dismisses Jane’s vision (of dark woman) as a bad dream until she comes up with some proof whereupon he changes his mind immediately, was he hiding something? Did he know more than he let on?

Jane- excited to be becoming a bride, not quite believing that it is actually going to happen. ‘ “ Everything in life is unreal.” ’. Feels like her life is moving on, she is leaving behind all the things she loves, other than Rochester, this is slightly scary as what is Mr R is not there after she leaves everything, what will she have after that?

Interesting phrases/extracts

‘ “ You cannot do without me, that is evident” ’ Mr R to Jane. Jane cannot bear to be without Rochester which builds suspense in a way…Jane has had much misfortune in the novel, could this possibly go alright?

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