Saturday, 15 September 2007

Jane Eyre Reading journal chapter 6


Jane observes Helen in her lessons and dislikes Mrs Scratcherd's methods, Jane then discusses this with Helen.


Christianity, contrast with Mr Brockelhurst in next chapter.

Injustice, Jane doesn't think Helen is fairly treated.


Mrs Scatcherd seems horrible.

Helen appears much older than Jane, she seems to view the world with a much larger perspective, Jane's world seems much more self-focused

Interesting extracts

'I spoke as I felt, without reserve or softening' Jane has not long known Helen yet she confides everything in her, this may be a reflection of the fact that Jane has never felt safe enough to trust anyone, or that Jane is very naive, and gives away all of herself to anyone that shows her any kindness. I t could also reflect the fact that Helen is a good person, and Jane has not been shown this kindness yet.


Jane is young enough not to be able to imagine that there is a larger world, and it does not revolve around herself.

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