Saturday, 15 September 2007

Jane Eyre Reading journal chapter 8


Jane is dismayed about the allegations made against her by Mr Brockelhurst. Helen soothes her and tells her that instead of thinking of human love to think of God's. Miss Temple invites them to tea. Mr Lloyd sets her free of the misjudgement of others, Jane begins to feel at home.


Religion, Kindness, rich vs poor.


Mrs Temple , shows mercy and kindness, then helps to discredit the lies.

Helen calms and soothes, and is very loyal.

Interesting extracts

' " Everybody, Jane? Why, there are only 80 people who have heard you called so, and the world contains hundreds of millions" ' childish, thinks that her woes are HUGE.

' I would not have exchanged Lowood, with all its privations for Gateshead and all its daily luxuries.' Contrastable with the earlier chapter where she thought that it wasn’t possible to be poor and happy. (Mr Lloyd conversation)


Jane has progressed slightly, she doesn't think that being rich is one of the keys to being happy. She has learnt this through her experiences, she is much happier at Lowood.

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